Search Results - mesh router

MU-MIMO Routers

These days we have more and more connected devices and use them to complete ever more bandwidth-intensive activities. The resultant low Wi-Fi performance is partly due to the traditional SU-MIMO router (Single-User). Now, Multi-User MIMO has been developed in order to address this problem and allow high-performance, media-intensive usage while...


Should I switch to MESH or Grab a WiFi extender?

In mid 2017, there may be something on your mind - MESH. If you're sick of those WiFi dead spots, you might have heard that the answer is a MESH network. But even though the cost is going down, it's still dollars that could be in your pocket rather than...


5 Reasons to Switch to MESH WiFi

In the wonderful world of WiFi, MESH is all the rage. In fact, MESH is doing nothing short of revolutionizing WiFi coverage in homes and businesses all over the world in 2017. Got a big house? Got lots of devices that need bandwidth? Need speedy WiFi on every floor and even...


How MESH Technology can boost your Wifi coverage?

Got that important assignment to submit before the deadline? Finalised a contract and need to send it off to be approved immediately? Doing an online exam for university? Did your wifi just drop out causing you to miss important deadlines? We all experience these situations from time to time. Whether it's...


What are MESH Networks and do I need one?

MESH networks spread a network across a large area. In some instances, MESH networks can easily and effectively connect an entire city using affordable technology. This is achieved by spreading the network across several wireless nodes that communicate with each other. These small nodes function in the same way as...