A Quick Guide About Microsoft Teams Room Conference Room Solutions

Virtual meetings are no longer a hassle with Microsoft Teams Room Conference Room Solutions. Those filled the gaps between employees and managed to improve the capacity of working remotely. With innovative room conference solutions, every employee can participate, be seen, and be heard. Thus, working remotely will barely differ from...

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Office Headsets For PCs, Mobiles and Deskphones from Jabra

Jabra’s office solutions are designed for back-office functions like marketing, R&D, supply chain, etc. — roles that typically require a high degree of concentration throughout the day. These solutions are also geared towards those who often need to collaborate online with colleagues and external stakeholders. The products in these ranges are designed...

review yealink CP960 and Polycom trio 8800 for MS Teams Banner 1.png

Reviewing Yealink CP960 and Trio 8800 Conference Phones for Microsoft Teams

As remote working increases, technology is stepping up to make collaboration between remote teams possible. Microsoft Teams is a communication platform that has proven to be an effective solution, by bridging the connection gap for remote interactions. In the following review, we look at two of the most recent audio...