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Free TP-Link Smart Wi-Fi Plugs worth $29 each with selected TP-Link Wi-fi 6 Routers

Want broader coverage, faster speeds and less interference on your network? Check out the latest in Wi-Fi 6 routers from TP-Link and for a limited time you can claim 2 x Bonus Smart Plugs with selected Wi-Fi 6 products!

Offer: Buy Archer AX10, AX20, AX50 or AX73 and Get...


MU-MIMO Routers

These days we have more and more connected devices and use them to complete ever more bandwidth-intensive activities. The resultant low Wi-Fi performance is partly due to the traditional SU-MIMO router (Single-User). Now, Multi-User MIMO has been developed in order to address this problem and allow high-performance, media-intensive usage while...


Should I switch to MESH or Grab a WiFi extender?

In mid 2017, there may be something on your mind - MESH. If you're sick of those WiFi dead spots, you might have heard that the answer is a MESH network. But even though the cost is going down, it's still dollars that could be in your pocket rather than...